AAC Construction Checklist





Please email Architectural Approvals Committee:

Debi Crews, AAC Committee

Email: crewsbooks@aol.com

Cell:  702-306-4741


This checklist is meant to provide guidance and is to be used in conjunction with the requirements of the disclosure document. 


1.  All construction visible from outside, whether a new dwelling, additions or alterations, require the prior written approval of the Approval Committee.  As a condition of approval, the owner and builder will be asked to sign an agreement stating that all contemplated changes to the plans, as approved, will be submitted to the Committee for their further approval.  Many may not require a meeting, but any approved change must be appropriately marked on the Committee's official set of plans and signed by the parties or specifically approved by letter.


2.  There is a onetime per lot Approval Committee fee of $150.00 that must be submitted with the plans.


3. Plans may be submitted electronically for remodels. New construction plans should include Elevations, Floor Plans, Material Schedule, Site Plans. Also Include Location of Meters, AC Equipment and Propane Tanks.  Landscape plan must be ¼” scale.  Only one set of ¼” plans and one digital set required.


4.  The Owner must to visit the site along with the Approval Committee before any clearing is done. At this meeting, the foundation footprint, driveway centerline and parking area(s) must be staked out and all trees, above 4" in diameter, that are to be cleared, must be flagged.


5.   Minimum road setback is 100 feet.  This rule can be waived if lot dimensions make it impossible.


6.   The Committee must approve the excavation before any footings are poured or forms set.


7.   Curved Driveway


8.   Front door must face the road.


9. If a gravel driveway is contemplated: an asphalt apron, having a minimum depth of ten feet from the paved road, or a cobble stone apron, having a minimum depth of six feet, is required if the driveway slopes up from the road. 


10.  Adequate on-site parking must be provided.  Parking on roadsides or meadows is not permitted, unless you have a large party or an expected windstorm threatens tree damage.  In such cases, all vehicles must be parked completely off the pavement


11.  Historically, keeping TV antennas out of sight has been difficult.  Most homes today have cable or a small dish antenna, which should be located as inconspicuously as possible.


12. The electric meter must be attached to the house.  It seems to be difficult to get builders and/or electricians to remember this.


13.  A lantern & lamppost shall be located at the driveway near the road, and include the house number.  It should be on a timer or light-sensitive switch and should be turned on when the house is occupied.


14.  No more than one foot of foundation shall remain exposed.


15.  No apartments.


16.  No roof decks


17.  Ground cover must be restored/replaced in accordance with landscape plan.


18.  Decks must be placed to the rear or screened.


19.  Do not cut the road berm (curb).


20.  Do not close any road berm drain openings.


21.  If a gas tank is to be used, it must be either buried (preferred) or thoroughly screened.


22. Roof material may be either red or white wood cedar shingles, or GAF brand Timberline Series Fiberglass Class A Asphalt Roof Shingle in the color of Weathered Wood Blend, Slate Gray, Pewter Gray Blend or Fox Hollow Gray.  If a closely similar composition product from a different manufacturer is desired, samples may be submitted to the Committee for approval.


23.  Any damage done to berms or roadsides during construction is to be restored.